Gamma-Ray Bursts of Doom COVER STORY Gamma-ray bursts may be the most violent events in the universe. What would happen if one went off just a few thousand light-years from Earth? By Peter J. T Leonard and Jerry T Bonnell Solar Filter Safety With an imminent solar eclipse and solar maximum around the corner, now's the time to make sure you haue a safe filter for viewing the Sun. By B. Ralph Chou Boldness:The Amateur Sky Survey This joint amateur-professional collaboration will monitor the sky for anything that moves or changes brightness. By Glenn Gombert and Tom Droege The Starlight Xpress MX5 England's Terry Platt is well known for his maverick CCI camera designs. The latest in his Starlight Xpress series. MX5, will further enhance his reputation. S&T Test Report By Maurice Gavin Computing Like a Professional Peruse the software that professional astronomers use. Astronomical Computing By Peter J. Teuben The Universe Comes to London With more than 4,000 attendees, three floors of vende:and two days of talks, the European AstroFest rivals tz best amateur conventions in America. Amateur Astronomers By Timothy Lyster Gems of Camelopardalis A...
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The Diversity of Planetary Systems COVER Planets have been found orbiting at least nine starr beyond our solar System. They're not what astronomers expected. By Geoffrey Marcy and R. Paul Butler 30 Doradus: Birth of a Star Cluster The Large Magellanic Cloud is home to the most massive star-forming region known in any Local Group galaxy, including the Milky Way itself. By Georges Meylan and Bernhard Brandl When Galaxies Collide A spectacular Hubble Space Telescope image of the Antennae provides welcome fodder for theories of galaxy interactions. By Joshua Roth Pocono's Equatorial Camera Mount Veteran and novice astrophotographers alike will find a multitude of applications for this new tracking camera mount. S&T Test Report 1 By Johnny Horne The Moon and the Boston Massacre Brought out by a bright Moon, American colonists and British soldiers clashed in the streets of Boston, leaving five dead. Astronomical Computing By Donald W Olson, Russell L. Doescher, and Jennifer L. Garrett Walking Tours of the Solar System Scale models in the Swiss Alps and eastern United States make the solar System accessible to the public. Amateur Astronomers By Ed...
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What's a Blue Moon? The trendy definition of "blue Moon" as the second full Moon in a month can be traced to a mistake in Sky & Telescope. Fifty-three years later, we set the record straight! By Donald W Olson, Richard Tresch Fienberg, and Roger W Sinnott The Rise and Fall of Quasars 1 COVER STORY Astronomers are on the verge of unraveling the mystery of these cosmic powerhouses. By G. Mark Voit Pluto Reconsidered What exactly did Clyde Tombaugh discover in 1930 — a planet, a planet wannabe, or the Kuiper Belt's top dog? By J. Kelly Beatty Gamma-Ray Burst Hunters Catch a Whopper A brief, titanic explosion some 9 billion light-years away flared as bright as 9th magnitude on January 23rd. There's a chance we may see this saure event a second time. A"Hot"Telescope Gets Even Hotter Meade's reinvention of the ETX features a "brain" that provides capabilities never before seen in a small telescope. S&T Test Report By Dennis di Cicco Pillars in the Sky Atmospheric "diamond dust" can produce towers of light in the heavens. Astronomical Computing 1 By Rodney Kubesh An Eccentric of the Very Best Kind Me...
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Hubble's Picturesque Heritage The Hubble Heritage Project will showcase memorable Images of the cosmos — and you can help NASA decide which objects to feature. By Carolyn Collins Petersen Forging the Planets: The Origin of Our Solar System COVER STORY How did a single star's formation create such an incredible diversity of worlds? By John A. Wood Saga of the Lump: The Pallas Meteorite Journey through time and the Siberian wilderness to the isolated hilltop where one of the most important meteorfites to strike the Earth once lay. By Roy A. Gallant Island Universes from Wright to Hubble You've heard the story. Before Edwin Hubble proved that spiral nebulae are external galaxies, astronomers all thought these fuzzy patches were part of the Milky Way. But don't you believe it! By David Russell A Versatile Equatorial Mount Looking for a lightweight equatorial mount with a variablespeed drive and push-button guiding? Here's one to consider. S&T Test Report 1 By Johnny Horne Pocket-Size Astronomy Tiny computers called personal digital assistants can serve as handy helpers for astronomers. Astronomical Computing By Marek Kozubal William Albre...
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The Future of the Universe COVER STORY Almost nothing is forever. The cosmos will be a very different place 10'4 years from now, and it will be alien indeed in 10100 years. By Fred C. Adams and Gregory Laughlin The Triumphant Turnaround of Mars Global Surveyor The saga of its damaged solar panel a fading memory, the orbiter has a revamped schedule that is gently shepherding the traft toward success. By Samantha Parker Sharper Images Through Video With off-the-shelf video equipment, a novel imaging method can extract diffraction-limited performance from backyard telescopes. By Ron Dantowitz Reincarnation of a Classic They played a major role in launching the deep-sky observing revolution that swept through amateur astronomy in the 1980s. Now the low-cost Odyssey telescopes are back, and they're better than ever. 5&r Test Report By Sue and Alan French Satellite-Tracking Sampler Keep tabs an thousands of Earth-orbiting satellites. Astronomical Computing By Dan Laszlo The Outer Limits The Texas Star Party celebrates 20 glorious years of deep-sky observing. Amateur Astronomers By Stephen James O'Meara Seeking Summer's Dark Nebulae From the G...
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A Master Plan for Mars NASA has gotten serious about exploring the red planet, with plans to send spacecraft there every two years throughout the next decade. By Leonard David Visions of Mars See the red planet as you've never viewed it before — through the trained eyes of a planetary geologist. By Michael C. Malin Microbes in a Martian Meteorite? An Update an the Controversy In August 1996 NASA researchers said they had found possible signs of fossil bacteria in a rock from Mars. Since then the rock has been the focus of intense study, and proof seems ever more elusive. By Allan Treiman A Pair of High-Performance Maksutovs When it comes to price and optical quality, these Russian catadioptric telescopes are an outstanding value. S&T Test Report By Alan Dyer Wishful Thinking What do you want your astronomical software to do today? Astronomical Computing By Stuart J. Goldman Comet Awards and Their Social Impact Droves of amateurs probe the depths of the sky every clear, moonless night in search of comets and a shot at fame and fortune. Amateur Astronomers By Stephen James O'Meara i The Colors of Mars: Reality and Illusion Red...
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Mars Global Surveyor: You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet Early data from Mars Global Surveyor suggest that the mission is off to an enticing start. By Samantha Parker Crisis at Eta Carinae? COVER STORY If predictions hold true, an impending event an Eta Garinae may give astronomers the key they need to unlock this star's mysteries. By Kris Davidson The Lives of Binary Stars: From Birth to Death and Beyond (Part II) Pair starr up, and some of the most energetic and unusual events in the universe take place before your eyes. By Icko Iben Jr. and Alexander V Tutukov Skygazer's Almanac, North and South For the first time in 57 years our annual Skygazer's Almanac comes in three different versions for observers in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. By Alan M. MacRobert S&T Test Report The Virgo T&T Bino-Mount Binoculars are wonderful for scanning the night sky, especially when the viewing is relaxed and steady just what you get with this binocular mount. By Gary Seronik Brocchi's Cluster Revealed The Hipparcos satellite helps unveil a well-known asterism's true character. By Brian A. Skiff Observer's Log O'Neill's Bridge Remembered For ...
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30 Supernovae, Neutrinos, and Amat Astronomers Somewhere in our galaxy a time bomb is ticking down.When the next supernova blows up, will you be ready? FEATURE By Leif J. Robinson NASA is betting that its newest Great Observatory will do for X-ray astronomy what the Hubble Space Telescope has done for optical astronomy — open our eyes to a new universe. FEATURE By Martin Elvis From a modest altitude of 176 miles, astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia will loft the Chandra X-ray Observatory one-third of the way to the Moon. FEATURE By Steven A. Hawley 56 Xray Astronomy's Golden Age The new millennium will be a time of high excitement for high-energy astronomers as the X-ray Multi mirror Mission and the Astro E spacecraft join Chandra in orbit. How lang does it take for totality to touch every Spot an Earth? COMPUTERS IN ASTRONOMY By Jean Meeus A new mini-industry has Sprung up: bed-and-breakfast facilities that cater to amateur astronomers and their families. AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS 1 By Edwin L. Aguirre 116 5 Observers in the path of totality this month could help solve several eclipse mysteries. OBSERVER'S LOG By Stephen Jam...
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At the Hearts of Barred Galaxies Seemingly immutable, barred spirals may merely be fleeting stages in the dynamic lives of galaxies. By Pierre Martin and Daniel Friedli Eyewitness to Stellar Evolution COVER STORY Most stars age gradually, taking millions or billions of years to Show permanent change. But a few have been caught in the midst of life crises. By James B. Kaler Awaiting the Storm A meteor shower or a meteor storm: what's in store for this November's Leonids? By Joe Rao Once in a Blue Moon From the Middle Ages to the game of Trivial Pursuit, a folklorist explores the meanings of "blue Moon." By Philip Hiscock High-Tech Newtonian Collimation Tool Projecting a reticle display along with its central beam, this laser collimator offers unique advantages over the competition. S&T Test Report By Alan French Sentinel of the Sky Armed with a modest telescope and CCD camera, Tucson amateur Roy A. Tucker joins the ranks of professional astronomers who have discovered near-Earth objects. Amateur Astronomers 1 By Edwin L. Aguirre ) Quintets, Sextets, and Septets: Exploring Hickson Compact Groups Dive Jeep into the spring sky to vier...
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Front-Cover Photo Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232 Always My Boss "Robinson, Leif J." Focal Point Seeing the Unseen "Schilling, Govert" How to Collect Geostationary Satellites "Young, Jim" "Young, Karen" More Ways to Sunwatch "Winkler, William" Astronomers Declare New Variable-Star Class Hubble Details Galaxy Duo Galaxy Bars Seen Edge On Close-Call Meteorite Yields Primordial Water Light Speed Is Colorblin...
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,Front-Cover Photo,Leonid Meteor Storm,"Numazawa, Shigemi", ""Godspeed, John Glenn!""","Robinson, Leif J.", Focal Point,A Near-Space Experience,"Rowan, Patrick", Country,"Fisher, Fred", Hunting for Extrasolar Earths,, ,News Notes,Orbiting Radio Telescope Enters Second Year of Service,, ,Mission Update,Mission Update,"McDowell, Jonathan" ,Feature,The Night of Raining Fire,"Sanderson, Richard H." ,Feature,The Return of the Leonid Meteors,"Rao, Joe" ,Feature,Box: Photographing Meteors,"MacRobert, Alan M." ,Feature,Box: Is a Taurid Outburst Due?,"MacRobert, Alan M." Feature,Eyewitness View: First Sight for a Glass Giant,"Tarenghi, Massimo" ,Feature,First Glimpses from Cerro Paranal,"Goldman, Stuart J." S&T Test Report,Better Resolution Through Technology,"Hanon, David" New Product Showcase,New Product Showcase, Astronomical Computing,The Stars of Hamlet, ,Computers in Astronomy,Astronomy Online: New and Improved!,"Goldman, Stuart J." ,Books & Beyond,More Questions and Answers, ,Books &a...
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Front-Cover Photo,Cat's Eye Nebula, Spectrum,By the Light of the Moon,"Robinson, Leif J." Focal Point,A Wide-Field View from the Bridge,"Green, Jane E." Letters,Taurus the Ram and Aries the Bull?,"Harris, Ray" News Notes,Snapshots of the Earliest Galaxies?, News Notes,The Changing Face of America's Planetariums, News Notes,Second-Guessing a Black Hole's Spin, Mission Update,Mission Update,"McDowell, Jonathan" ,Feature,Stellar Metamorphosis,"Kwok, Sun" ,Feature,The Dynamic Lives of Globular Clusters,"Djorgovski, S. George" ,Feature,The Journey Back to the Source,"Dressler, Alan M." ,New Product Showcase,New Product Showcase, ,Astronomical Computing,Software And Chart Synthesis,"Goldman, Stuart J." Computers in Astronomy,Astronomy Online: Cruising the Club Scene,"Goldman, Stuart J." ,Books & Beyond,"The Dobsonian Telescope, : A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes, by David Kriege and Richard Berry","Vogt, John" Books & Beyond,"The Deep Sky: An Introduction, by Philip S. Harrington","Abrams, Bernard&q...
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Front-Cover Photo,Gibbous Moon,, ,Spectrum,When Amateurs Meet,"Robinson, Leif J.", ,Focal Point,A Trail to the Sky,"Cokinos, Christopher", Letters,The Necessity of Astronomy Clubs,"Davis, Jeremy" News Notes,Celestial Survey Sees First Light, ,News Notes,Directly Detecting the Universe's Deceleration, ,Mission Update,Mission Update,"McDowell, Jonathan" Feature,Ten Dark-Sky Years,"Levy, David H." ,Feature,Box: Why Low-Pressure Sodium Works,"Levy, David H." Feature,"Box: Small Steps, Giant Leaps","Levy, David H." Feature,Cosmic Yardsticks: Supernovae and the Fate of the Universe,"Finkbeiner, Ann K." Feature,Box: A Supernova Chaser's Story,"Burtnyk, Kimberly" Feature,NASA's New Moon,"Foust, Jeffrey A." Images,True Color Image of Centaurus A,"Parker, Samantha" ,S&T Test Report,A Sharp Scope for People on the Go,"Cook, Chris" Astronomical Computing,A Rainbow's Extra Arcs,"Kubesh, Rodney J." Computers in Astronomy,Astronomy Online: In Search of Darkness,"Goldman, Stuart J." New Product Showcase,New P...
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1998,7,8,Spectrum,Ashes to Ashes . . .,"Robinson, Leif J.", 1998,7,10,Focal Point,My Rubbertown Roots,"Medkeff, Jeff", News Notes,Bursting Gamma Rays Cross Visible Universe,, Mission Update,Mission Update,"McDowell, Jonathan" Feature,Fleeting Expectations: The Tale of an Asteroid,"Scotti, James V." Feature,Mars Pathfinder: Better Science?,"Bell, Jim" Feature,Shigemi Numazawa's Universe,"Aguirre, Edwin L." ,Images,Brilliant Colors in Scorpius and Ophiuchus,"Parker, Samantha" ,S&T Test Report,Digital Desktop Darkroom,"East, George H." ,New Product Showcase,New Product Showcase, Computers in Astronomy,Observing from the Red Planet,"Adkins, Jeffery" Computers in Astronomy,Astronomy Online: Where's All the Funny Stuff?,"Goldman, Stuart J." Books & Beyond,Stars of the First People,"Krupp, E. C." ,Books & Beyond,"Astronomy Before the Telescope, by Christopher Walker, ed.","Chapman, Allan" ,Books & Beyond,"Stars and Stories, by Wildridge Software, Inc.","Mosley, John E." Amateur Astronomers...
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,Front-Cover Photo,Radio Telescope,"Cook, Lynette", ,Spectrum,A Death in the Family,"Robinson, Leif J.", Focal Point,Respecting Mauna Kea,"Peek, Tom", News Notes,Radio Astronomers Wary As Iridium Service Nears,, News Notes,The Eagle Nebula's Extragalactic Twin,, News Notes,Seeking Supernova Precursors, News Notes,How Jupiter's Rings Are Generated, Mission Update,Mission Update,"McDowell, Jonathan" ,Feature,The Moon Rediscovered,"Foust, Jeffrey A." Feature,The Chance of Finding Aliens: Reevaluating the Drake Equation,"Schilling, Govert" ,Feature,SETI Searches Today,"LePage, Andrew J.","MacRobert, Alan M." Feature,Box: SETI Effectiveness Compared,"LePage, Andrew J.","MacRobert, Alan M." Feature,Habitable Moons,"LePage, Andrew J.", ,Feature,Box: Zones of Habitability,"LePage, Andrew J.", Feature,25 Hot New Products of 1998,, Feature,Meteors That Changed the World,"Schaefer, Bradley E.", ,New Product Showcase,New Product Showcase,, ,Computers in Astronomy,Confronting the Year 2000,"Goldman, Stuart J.", ,Compu...
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