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The Biblical Archaeologist


Organs of Statecraft in the Israelite Monarchy
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
The following lecture was presented an August 22, 1963 before a Bible study group at the hone of the former Printe Minister of Israel, Mr. David Ben-Gurion, and with the participation of the President of Israel, Mr. Zalman Shazar. The meeting was presided over by Justice of the Supreme Court, Prof. Moshe Silberg. The lecture and discussion were subsequently published with notes and a few minor changes in English translation, in the series El Ha Ayin, by the World Jewish Bible Society and the Israel Society for Biblical Research. We have decided to reprint it here both because we feel that this address is of such interest that it deserves a wider audience and because -we think our readers will be interested to learn, as evidenced by the discussion, of the keen interest taken in biblical studies by laymen as well as scholars in Israel. —Ed.
Rehoboam And The Schism Within The Kingdom
The main burden of my remarks will coneern the speeific aspects cf the politieal apparatus and organs of statecraft as they emerge from the first balf of I Kings 12.1 This section deals with King Rehoboam and the cir-

Heft, 39 Seiten. Verlag: published by the American Schools of oriental Research 126 Inman Street Cambridge, mass..

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The Biblical Archaeologist