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The Biblical Archaeologist


Geological Studies in Field Archaeology
Geology Department, University of cincinnati
The science of geology treats the crust of the earth in muck the same way that archaeology considers arcas of human occupation. This discussion seeks to explore this parallel relationship and to examine some aspects of excayation in which questions arise that apply to areas of specialty for geologists. Tbe writer is aware of tbe problem of terminology which may be unfamiliar to the non-geologist. Minimal definitions are included in the discussion.
Field study for this article was carried out an the site of Gezer in the ventral Shephelah of Israel. The aim of the inyestigation conducted during tbe excayations has been a broader understanding of the relationship between Cezer's inhabitants and their Environment during the city's history. Certain areas of inquiry baye proyed useful in the initial phases of this research. A suryey of the local and regional geology made from field studics and from the growing literature has provided information about the nature and origin of the•rocks and minerals encountered in excayation. Exposed soils and clays within five kilometers of Gezer were systcmatically sampled....

Heft, 39 Seiten. Verlag: published by the American Schools of oriental Research 126 Inman Street Cambridge, mass..

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The Biblical Archaeologist