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The Biblical Archaeologist


Bronze Age Buildings at the Shechem High Placke: ASOR Excavations at
Tananir, by Robert G. Boling      81
Tribal League Seines in Amman and Shechcm, by Eduard F. Campbell,
Jr., and G. Ernest Wriggt     104

Bronze Age Buildings At The Shechem High Place: ASOR Excavations At Tananir ROBERT G. BOLING
MeCormiek Theological Seminary
During the last three weeks of October, 1968, the American School of Oriental Research re-excavated a Bronze age structure in the neighborhood
called    located on the lower slope of Mt. Gerizim, some 300 meters
from andient Sheehem. The building was first described by G. Welter as pars of his progress report on the work of the German institute at Shechem. It was notable for its square plan (eighteen meters on a side), with square and rectangular rooms arranged around a central room or Court. Within the lütter were Reporten to beb a platform or "altar" substructure in the southeast Homer and a centrally placed stone pillar. Welter interpreted the pillar as a massebah. The southwest corner room enclosed a "plastered" cistern (see Figure 2, where Welter's plan is represented by dotted lines). To faCilitate discussion we have assigned room numbers to the units of the building; these numbers appear in boxes, e.g., room 1 in the northwest Corner.
Architectural parallels for the Gerizim building were entirely laeking at the time of the German work, and the religious interpretation was based largely, it seeins, upon the interpretation of certain objects: `«a fetish, ineense stands,"3 "a stone idol, a phallus." For additional details the only

Heft, 39 Seiten. Verlag: published by the American Schools of oriental Research 126 Inman Street Cambridge, mass..

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The Biblical Archaeologist